Welcome to the Ultimate Comprehensive Bible Timeline
              Author Jon Hall

The Ultimate Comprehensive Bible Timeline charts the years from Adam to Jesus, providing a precise timeline of people and events that can be used by Bible students, teachers and scholars. The book includes seven horizontal timelines and 40 charts to graphically illustrate significant chronological issues. Additionally, a year-by-year timetable from 1949 BC to 70 AD is provided so that the precise counting of the years can be visually verified. The timelines, charts and timetables graphically show how all significant people and events fit together. The book also provides all the references and explanations for charting only 4,000 years from Adam to 70 AD. It clarifies the most troubling chronological passages, providing readers all the needed information to arrive at their own conclusions. In addition, The Ultimate Comprehensive Bible Timeline explains confusing subjects, including: the Creation and Religious calendars, Noah’s Flood year, the Sabbath year and Year of Jubilee, the holy days and feasts, the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the approximate date for Job, the meaning of Ezekiel’s 430 years of sin, the complexities related to the genealogy from Noah to Abraham, and the difficulties in correctly charting the judges, Eli and Samuel and the kings. Furthermore, The Ultimate Comprehensive Bible Timeline reviews in detail the four most commonly promoted chronologies, explaining how each evolved and the differences between them.

These chronologies are:

    (1) the traditional one produced by Archbishop James Usher in the 1600s,
    (2) the currently most accepted evangelical timeline produced by Dr. John Whitcomb in the 1960s,
    (3) the current secular timeline as it relates to the Bible, and
    (4) the official Jewish timeline.

Prophetically, The Ultimate Comprehensive Bible Timeline affirms that the 1-day 1,000-year, 6-day 6,000-year pattern is prophetically meaningful, and includes a chronological outline of the book of Revelation. Ultimately, The Ultimate Comprehensive Bible Timeline provides an accurate, Bible-based chronology of world history as one part of an overall Christian worldview in order to strengthen believers and act as a witness to non-believers.